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Business Published At: 10 Nov 2023, 21:17 p.m.

Dhaka kitchen markets sizzle as winter vegetable prices skyrocket

Sellers showcasing a variety of fresh vegetables for sale at a kitchen market in Dhaka on Friday, August 25, 2023.

Onions are currently priced at Tk100 or above per kg

Despite the year-round availability of cauliflower, cabbage, carrots, gourds, and tomatoes due to advancements in agriculture techniques, the heightened demand for winter vegetables is driving prices up in the market.

Consumers believe that these vegetables possess a unique taste during the winter months, which adds to their allure. However, they are struggling to afford these seasonal vegetables.

The unique winter flavours come at a higher cost than some might consider reasonable. The workings of supply and demand in the economy make winter veggies more popular but also more expensive during the winter season.

On Friday, a visit to the open market in Mirpur 1 revealed this image.

Apart from seasonal winter vegetables, the prices of all other vegetables remain relatively low in the market. Sellers are stating that the prices of all vegetables have decreased and might further decrease.

Beans were being sold at Tk80-90, turnip at Tk60-70, green or raw tomatoes at Tk90-120, tomatoes at Tk140, spring onions at Tk120-160, radish at Tk60,  carrots at Tk120, long eggplant at Tk60, white round eggplants at Tk60, black round eggplants at Tk100, cucumbers at Tk60-80, bitter melon at Tk80, bitter gourd at Tk80, papaya at Tk40, pointed gourd at Tk60, pumpkin at Tk60, okra at Tk70,  snake gourd at Tk60, sponge gourd at Tk60, yardlong beans at Tk80, arum lobe at Tk60, green chilis at Tk160, coriander leaves at Tk150 per kg.

Rajib, a vegetable seller, said: "The prices of other vegetables have decreased due to the arrival of winter vegetables in the market. After a few days, it will decrease further."
Md Shamsul, another seller, said: "The prices of winter vegetables are higher initially because they are new. The prices will go down after a few days. For example, when the beans first came to the market, I sold them for Tk250. Now, it's down to Tk100. The prices of all these vegetables will drop."

Despite the higher prices during winter, many people continue to buy these vegetables. According to them, fresh vegetables taste different.

Raihan, a private company employee, said: "I usually stick to the same vegetables all year. Now that new ones are in, I am giving them a try. As for the higher price, we all know that when a vegetable is new, its price is a bit higher. So, they are pricier now. I believe the price will drop in a few days."

Taslima Akhter, a school teacher, said: "Cauliflower, cabbage, and gourd are available throughout the year, but their real flavours come out in the winter. So, now I prefer buying them."

Onions are currently priced at a hundred or above, while potato prices have slightly decreased due to imports. Local onions are selling at Tk130, cross varieties at Tk130, Indian onions at Tk100, and red and white potatoes at Tk50.

However, the government's set maximum retail price for onions is Tk64-65 per kg, and for potatoes, it is supposed to be Tk35 to 36 at the consumer level and Tk26 to 27 at the cold storage level. Despite importing these vegetables, the government has not been able to provide them to consumers at these specified prices.

In addition, Indian ginger is being sold at Tk220, local garlic at Tk200, and Chinese garlic at Tk180.

Sharif, a seller of potatoes and onions, said: "Potato prices have dropped a bit, but not by much. Unfortunately, I do not see the onion prices going down. The quality of the Indian potatoes is not good. I stocked imported potatoes in the shop, but they are not in good condition. Most of them are diced, and customers do not want to buy them. So, I have decided not to keep them anymore."

Besides, vegetables, fish prices were also noticeably hight.

ilish was being sold at Tk1,800 per kg, labeo rohita (rui) at Tk360-550, catla at Tk350-550, calbasu Tk400-600, shrimp Tk800-1,400 Ganges river sprat or kachki at Tk500-600, local Gangetic koi (koi) at Tk350-1,000, butterfish at Tk600, stinging catfish Tk500-600, bar-eyed goby Tk600-1,000, batasio Tk700-1,000,  jamuna ailia Tk800, and helicopter catfish at Tk1,000.

Broiler chicken is selling at Tk165-190, cock chicken at Tk270-280, layer chicken at Tk280, local chicken at Tk550, and beef at Tk750-780 per kg.

Besides, brown eggs are being sold at Tk120, and white eggs at Tk115 per dozen. Egg sellers say prices will drop further soon.