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Bangladesh Published At: 05 Apr 2024, 17:19 p.m.

Dhaka urges immediate action on Rohingya crisis at UNSC briefing

This file image taken on April 2, 2024 shows a United Nations Security Council meeting at UN headquarters in New York City, New York, US, on April 2, 2024. Photo: Reuters

Recent escalation in Rakhine hampers Rohingya repatriation

Bangladesh at a UN Security Council briefing has highlighted the “urgent need” for action to resolve the Rohingya crisis.

“While the 2017 crisis remains unresolved, Rohingya Muslims in Rakhine are faced with renewed risks, as the armed conflict between Myanmar military and the Arakan Army resumes,” said Bangladesh’s permanent representative to the UN, Ambassador Muhammad A Muhith, before the Security Council on Thursday.

He was speaking at the Open Briefing on Myanmar convened by the Maltese presidency to discuss the recent escalation in Rakhine State and its implications on civilians, especially the Rohingya.

The council heard from Khalid Khiari, the assistant secretary-general of the Department and Political and Peacebuilding Affairs, and Lisa Doughten, director of the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs.

Apart from members of the Security Council, Malaysia, Indonesia and Bangladesh spoke before the council.

In his remarks, Ambassador Muhith highlighted that the recent escalation in Rakhine had affected the pace of the repatriation process of the Rohingya, the ultimate solution to the crisis.

He hoped that the process would commence again as soon as the conditions improved.

The ambassador called on Myanmar to demonstrate genuine political will and cooperate with Bangladesh for the implementation of the bilateral arrangements of return signed in 2017 and 2018.

“We also solicit meaningful and effective engagements of the international community, especially the regional organizations, and regional and neighbouring countries, in restoring peace and stability in Rakhine and supporting reintegration of the future returnees,” he added.

Referring to UN Security Council Resolution 2669, Muhith underscored the need for creating a conducive environment in Rakhine and addressing the underlying root causes of vulnerability among the Rohingya, entrenched mostly in Myanmar’s discriminatory legal and political framework.

“Unless those underlying causes are addressed, the bilateral and regional efforts are unlikely to succeed,” he said.

He outlined several expectations for addressing the crisis, including the need for the UN to strengthen its presence in Myanmar, regular reporting on the implementation of Security Council resolution 2669, ensuring accountability for crimes committed against Rohingya Muslims and ongoing violations of international humanitarian law, and the timely implementation of the key agreements and recommendations.

Additionally, he emphasized the importance of international partners' support in creating a sustainable environment for Rohingya reintegration into Myanmar society.

Referring to negative social, economic, environmental and security problems faced by Bangladesh due to the protracted presence of Rohingya in Bangladesh, Ambassador Muhith called for the council’s attention to the situation in Rakhine and meaningful action, with a view to attaining, among others, a comprehensive and sustainable solution of the Rohingya crisis.

The Bangladesh mission said other speakers also expressed deep concern at the escalation of conflict and violence in Myanmar, calling upon the authorities to take all measures to address the root causes of conflict in Rakhine and create conditions for voluntary, safe, sustainable and dignified return of all displaced Rohingya and the internally displaced persons.

They also called for greater international unity and support for the efforts of the UN and Asean in pursuing peace and stability in Myanmar in line with Security Council Resolution 2669.

The speakers applauded Bangladesh for its continued humanitarian leadership in sheltering over a million Rohingya, urging others to support the humanitarian response in Cox’s Bazar until the displaced Rohingya could return.