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Bangladesh Published At: 01 Jul 2024, 20:03 p.m.

Rangamati faces landslide threat amid downpours

Army personnel and locals try to clear landslide debris from a road in Rangamati on Friday, May 3, 2024.

Local authorities are using microphones to spread awareness

Rangamati has been enduring consistent moderate to heavy rainfall due to the monsoon, raising concerns about potential landslides in the mountainous regions. 

The Bangladesh Meteorological Department has issued warnings regarding landslide risks in these areas.

Local authorities are actively engaged in measures such as using microphones and raising awareness in vulnerable zones. 

According to the Rangamati Meteorological Observatory, 94mm of rainfall was recorded in the 24-hour from Sunday morning to Monday.

On Sunday a meeting was organized by the District Disaster Management Committee at the office of the district administration on Sunday afternoon

Deputy Commissioner Md Mosharraf Hossain Khan presided over the meeting.

The Bangladesh Meteorological Department (BMD) has forecasted light to moderate, and occasionally heavy to very heavy rainfall or thundershowers accompanied by temporary gusty winds across all eight divisions of the country in the next 24 hours starting from 9am on Monday.

“Light to moderate rain or thundershowers accompanied by temporary gusty wind is likely to occur at most places in Rangpur, Rajshahi, Dhaka, Mymensingh, Khulna, Barisal, Chittagong and Sylhet divisions with moderately heavy to very heavy falls at different places over the country," said a weather bulletin this morning.

Monsoon is active over Bangladesh and strong elsewhere over the North Bay, it added.

Day and night temperatures may fall slightly over the country.