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Bangladesh Published At: 04 Nov 2023, 20:59 p.m.

RAB: Stern action against subversive activities capitalizing RMG unrest

RAB Legal and Media Wing Director Commander Khandaker Al Moin exchange of views to prevent violence around the ongoing movement of garment workers at the office of RAB-4 CPC-2 on Saturday, November 4, 2023.

Clandestine attacks being made by miscreants

The Rapid Action Battalion (RAB) has issued a warning that strict legal action will be taken against those who carry out sabotage and violence taking advantage of workers' movement, 

RAB Legal and Media Wing Director Commander Khandaker Al Moin on Saturday made the statement after visiting the garment factories, reviewing the activities of the RAB and participating in the exchange of views to prevent violence around the ongoing movement of garment workers at the office of RAB-4 CPC-2 around 11am. 

“Similarly, we have been able to identify many people who are creating turmoil in the garment industry,” said the RAB official. 

Several of them have already been brought under the law. In the future, those who will try to do anarchy with this industry either from behind or from the field will be brought under the law, he warned. 

Meanwhile, RAB patrols have been strengthened in these places where there are more garment factories. 

 “We are doing joint patrolling with police and BGB. Our patrol operations will continue to prevent any form of vandalism and violence,” he said. 

Moin said that the journey of the garment industry in Bangladesh started in the early eighties. Now, the RMG sector of Bangladesh is at the second position in the world and most of Bangladesh's export income is coming from this industry. 

A vested quarter is trying to push this garment industry to ruin, he said. 

“Since last October 28, the peace-loving garment workers of our country have been agitating for the logical demand of their salary increase. Taking the matter into consideration, the concerned government department, private organizations, owners' organizations gave a decision forming a wage committee.”

But the vested quarter is trying to create anarchy, violence or sabotage spreading rumours and providing provocative information and misinformation among the peaceful workers. 

He warned that strict legal action would be taken against those who attempt to sabotage violence against these peaceful labour brothers.

Miscreants are carrying out clandestine attacks from various areas including Gazipur, Savar and Ashulia. Legal action against them is also ongoing. RAB Forces have taken some effective steps to prevent this ongoing violence.

“We have increased our intelligence activities. We have increased surveillance in our cyber world than before. If someone incites our peaceful garment workers through any kind of provocative speech on social media, we will bring them under the law,” he added further.