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Bangladesh Published At: 08 Nov 2023, 21:19 p.m.

BNP’s Hafizuddin Ahmed dismisses reports of new party formation

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Hafizuddin Ahmed. Photo: Collected

Wants to retire from politics due to physical illness

BNP Vice-Chairman Maj (retd) Hafiz Uddin Ahmed announced that he would retire from politics soon and dismissed the speculation of forming a new party by splitting BNP.

The former minister dismissed Information Minister Dr Hasan Mahmud's remark, saying: “I will retire from politics soon due to my illness. I am not in a condition to actively participate in politics. However, if the BNP goes to the election, I will join. I want to leave as a member of this party.”

He said these things on Wednesday at a press conference organized at his residence in Banani.

Regarding Information Minister Hasan Mahmud's speech, Hafiz Uddin Ahmed said: “I claim myself as an unimportant person of BNP. I have lost interest in politics due to physical condition. I want to stay away from politics. The Information Minister's statement is not correct. I am not opening any new parties.”

The retired army major, and a six-term Jatiya Sangsad member, called the press conference after Information Minister Hasan Mahmud claimed Maj Hafiz would form a new political party.

He emphasized the need for a neutral government for holding election and said, “The election wouldn’t be fair under Awami League government. It won’t be fair under the BNP if it comes to power. So a neutral government or a caretaker government can be our future for fair elections. I hope the politics of conflict will end.”

He requested Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina to arrange a fair election . “Please now arrange a fair election for the sake of the country's economic progress and social harmony. Regardless of your position, you should follow in the footsteps of your father and conduct a peaceful election. Before that, create environment for election through dialogues with the BNP and other opposition parties.”

He urged BNP’s acting chairman Tarique Rahman to reform BNP, run the party in a democratic way, create leaders in different levels, evaluate dedicated leaders.

He says BNP is out of power because the party is deviated from Zia's ideology.