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Bangladesh Published At: 25 Aug 2024, 17:13 p.m.

China announces donations for flood

Photo: Courtesy

Chinese Ambassador Yao Wen expressed his sympathy and solicitude to Chief Adviser Prof Muhammad Yunus on the floods in Bangladesh.

He met the chief adviser on Sunday and announced Chinese donations for the flood affected people.

The Red Cross Society of China will donate 100,000 dollars in cash to Bangladesh Red Crescent Society for emergency humanitarian assistance.

The Chinese Embassy is committed to donate 20,000 dollars to Chief Adviser's Relief and Welfare Fund, and provide food and other relief supplies worth Tk60 lakh to people in Feni and other affected areas, the ambassador said.

Minister Counsellor Liu Yuyin, Deputy Chief of Mission and other diplomats of Chinese Embassy have already headed to the affected areas of Feni to carry out relief activities, said the embassy.

"China stands ready to provide further support and assistance to Bangladesh as needed."

In the face of the disaster, Chinese enterprises and personnel in Bangladesh have given full play to the spirit of boundless love, and are duty-bound to take up the responsibility and vigorously participate in the relief operation, with the donations of Tk40 lakh in cash and nearly Tk36 lakh worth of supplies to the affected areas as of August 24.

Donations continue to be made, the embassy said.

Ambassador Yao, during the meeting, said he was shocked by the heavy casualties and property losses caused by the devastating floods in Bangladesh.

He expressed his deep condolences to the victims and its sincere sympathy to their families, the injured and the affected people, and believes that under the leadership of the Chief Adviser and the Interim Government, Bangladeshi people will overcome the disaster and rebuild their homes.

He emphasized that China and Bangladesh are Comprehensive Strategic Partners through thick and thin, and the Chinese people share the suffering of the Bangladeshi people, thus China is endeavoring to help Bangladesh cope with the disaster.

According to the agreement between the two countries, the related agency of China is providing hydrological information of the upstream river to the Bangladesh side twice a day in the morning and afternoon respectively.