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Bangladesh Published At: 05 Mar 2024, 18:03 p.m.

No adequate firefighting system at S Alam sugar mill

Firefighters are seen working to douse the fire at SA Alam’s sugar mill at Moijjartek in Chittagong on Monday, March 4, 2024.

Stored sugar completely damaged

There was no adequate firefighting system in S Alam Refined Sugar Industries in Chittagong.

Besides, the fire in the sugar warehouse has still not extinguished even after 24 hours.

On Tuesday afternoon, Chittagong Divisional Fire Service Assistant Director Md Abdul Malek said: "The main factory has been spared from the fire. However, the raw sugar in the warehouse was completely damaged. The warehouse that caught fire did not have adequate firefighting system due to which it was not possible to extinguish the fire.”

Purna Chandra Mutsuddi, assistant director of Bandarban Fire Service, who was present at the scene, said: “The amount of firefighting system that should have been in the warehouse is not there due to which the fire spread quickly.”

Jasim Uddin, deputy assistant director (Administrative Finance) of Dhaka fire service, said: “The fire has not been brought under control. It will take time to fully extinguish. Currently, nine units of fire service are working on extinguishing. Water is being supplied from around the warehouse. The tin is being removed.”

S Alam Group HR officer Md Hossain said: “The warehouse has the required amount of fire safety. We have a total of six warehouses at the same location. A fire broke out in warehouse number one on Monday. This warehouse had more than 100,000 tons of raw sugar, all of which are burnt. The fire is still burning. Attached to the warehouse was the main factory which was fortunately spared. The factory has been closed since the fire. We are not aware of how the fire started. The administration has formed an investigation committee, it will be understood after getting the report.”

A fire broke out at S Alam Sugar Industries sugar mill in Chittagong's Karnaphuli police station area at 3:53pm on Monday.

S Alam Super Refined Sugar Industries Limited imported a huge amount of sugar around the holy month of Ramadan.