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Bangladesh Published At: 06 Mar 2024, 20:40 p.m.

Taposh: Responsible individuals, organizations must be prosecuted

Dhaka South City Corporation (DSCC) Mayor Barrister Sheikh Fazle Noor Taposh speaks after inaugurating the “South Point Nagar Gymnasium” at the capital's Sadek Hossain Khoka Community Center on Wednesday, March 6, 2024.

We don't often see investigations to determine specific liability under law, he says

Dhaka South City Corporation (DSCC) Mayor Barrister Sheikh Fazle Noor Taposh has called for the prosecution of individuals and organizations rather than settling for a cursory investigation into the Bailey Road fire incident.

The mayor said this after inaugurating the “South Point Nagar Gymnasium” at the capital's Sadek Hossain Khoka Community Center on Wednesday in response to questions from journalists.

Mayor Taposh said: "We see that when an accident occurs, one organization tries to blame others. But we don't often see investigations to determine specific liability under the law.

“So, I would request everyone to confirm the liability for this accident through an impartial investigation and complete the trial through the courts. If we can create a precedent, then it will apply to everyone. By doing this, we will get rid of such accidents as well and the attempt to impose responsibility on others will be prevented.” he added.

The mayor said according to the law and regulations, the continuous process of determining liability is specified. The primary responsibility for enforcing these rules lies with the architect. What facilities should be there including stairs, how much space to leave, how to exit in case of emergency, etc will be decided by the architect’s design.

The second responsibility lies with the organization that approved the design. If there is any lapse or negligence while approving the design, then that authority has to take responsibility. Thirdly, the construction of a building requires clearance or permission from many authorities. If any organization is negligent in issuing such clearance, then their liability will be determined according to law, he added.

The respective building owners, building users or restaurant owners are also responsible. Liability should be ensured under the law and all these matters should be investigated.