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Bangladesh Published At: 02 Jul 2024, 20:18 p.m.

DNCC to hold rooftop farming exhibition

Dhaka North City Corporation (DNCC) Mayor Md Atiqul Islam along with Shykh Siraj speaks in a discussion meeting at the conference room on the 8th floor of the Gulshan DNCC Nagar Bhaban on Tuesday, july 2, 2024. Photo: Courtesy

Initiative for rooftop farming exhibition is commendable, Shykh Siraj says

Dhaka North City Corporation (DNCC) Mayor Md Atiqul Islam has announced that a rooftop farming exhibition will be organized under the initiative of DNCC.

He said this in a discussion meeting at the conference room on the 8th floor of the Gulshan DNCC Nagar Bhaban on Tuesday.

Mayor Atiq said: "There is insufficient space in Dhaka for gardens or agriculture. Therefore, rooftops can become a large area for agriculture. It is beneficial to grow fresh fruits and vegetables on rooftops. It also helps to reduce the building's temperature.

“Rooftop farming plays a role in environmental conservation and biodiversity protection. Many people in Dhaka are already practicing rooftop farming. To further encourage this, we will organize an exhibition on rooftop farming in November," he added.

He also said: "We had announced a 10% tax exemption for a roof garden. Following our proposal, the ministry has approved a tax exemption on planned roof gardens for all city corporations.

“Formulating policies with experts. City dwellers will get an exemption from holding tax if policies are formulated regarding the eligibility and selection process of roof gardeners, who are eligible for the tax rebate,” he added.

The channel i's Founder Director and Editor Shykh Siraj was present at the meeting.

He said, "Growing one's vegetables and fruits on rooftops is very important to people. It brings great joy to people. Providing tax rebates on rooftop farming by city corporations will be an honour for urban residents.

“The initiative for a rooftop farming exhibition is commendable. I urge city corporations to take the initiative to organize area-based exhibitions on rooftop farming in the future," he added.