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Bangladesh Published At: 26 Jul 2024, 18:11 p.m.

The government is arbitrarily arresting people to hide their failure


BNP Secretary General Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir has condemned the government's actions against opposition party leaders and activists, alleging that the arrests are intended to obscure the administration's own failures and alleged terrorist activities.

In a statement released on Friday, Fakhrul accused the government of conducting indiscriminate arrests of BNP members and other opposition figures as part of a broader strategy to distract from its shortcomings and violent actions. He criticized what he described as the "barbaric" treatment of students and opposition members, claiming that recent government actions have set a new low in political repression.

“The joint attacks by government party operatives and law enforcement on students protesting for fair treatment have surpassed the cruelty seen in dictatorships abroad,” Fakhrul stated.

The BNP Secretary General expressed grave concerns over the ongoing house-to-house searches targeting opposition leaders and activists across the country. He also highlighted issues related to the arrest and mistreatment of ordinary citizens, describing the government's actions as severe human rights violations.

Fakhrul further criticized the practice of holding arrested individuals incommunicado, often subjecting them to torture before eventually presenting them in court. He denounced this approach as a gross violation of legal and human rights standards, intended to instill fear among the public.

“The continued practice of hiding arrested citizens and subjecting them to mistreatment is deeply troubling,” Fakhrul said. “I urge the government to cease these inhumane activities and respect the rights of all citizens.”

The BNP has called for an end to what it describes as government-sanctioned repression and a return to lawful and humane treatment of political opponents and ordinary people alike.