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Bangladesh Published At: 08 Jan 2024, 16:52 p.m.

CEC: 41.8% voter turnout in election

File image of CEC Kazi Habibul Awal. Photo: Collected

Observer team from Japan thanked CEC for conducting beautiful election

Chief Election Commissioner (CEC) Kazi Habibul Awal said that 41.8% of votes were cast in the 12th national parliamentary election.

The CEC gave this information to journalists at the Election Commission building in Agargaon on Monday.

Earlier, an election observation team including the ambassador of Japan met the CEC and thanked him for conducting the election in a beautiful environment.

CEC said: “The complete information of the 12th national election has come to us. Now the total vote is 41.8%." 

During a press conference on the polling day, he mentioned a preliminary estimate of 40% voter turnout, acknowledging that the final figure might vary.

Explaining the calculation process, he mentioned: "When the results of the total 298 seats started coming, when you add them up, a sum comes out. It’s not a difficult task. Throwing this sum into an Excel yields a percentage." 

The CEC also emphasized that anyone with doubts about the results could challenge them.