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Bangladesh Published At: 10 Jun 2024, 19:57 p.m.

5 including Arsa leader arrested in Cox’s Bazar Rohingya camp

RAB arrests five people including the top leader of the separatist group Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army (Arsa) at a Rohingya camp in Ukhiya of Cox's Bazar on Sunday, June 9, 2024.

Weapons, ammunition, and explosives were seized from them

The Rapid Action Battalion (RAB) has arrested five people including the top leader of the separatist group Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army (Arsa) at a Rohingya camp in Ukhiya of Cox's Bazar.

RAB-15 Commander Lt Col HM Sajjad Hossain announced the arrests at a press conference on Monday.

The arrested are Md Shahidul Islam alias Maulvi Ali Akiz, 50, Md Faisal alias Master Faisal, 28, Hafez Faizur Rahman, 24, Md Salam alias Master Salam, 20, and Md Zubair, 24.

Weapons, ammunition, and explosives were seized from them during a special operation at Rohingya Camp-4 on Sunday night.

RAB claims that Shahidul Islam is one of the planners behind the killing of Rohingya leader Master Mohibullah and the sensational seven murders in Rohingya camps. He has over 21 cases against him, including murder, weapons charges, and kidnapping.

Sajjad Hossain said that Shahidul Islam had been hiding in a neighbouring country and recently re-entered Bangladesh with a new plan. Acting on intelligence, RAB raided and arrested him and his associates from a secret meeting in camp-4, seizing firearms, explosives, and cash.

During initial interrogation, Shahidul Islam admitted to being an active Arsa leader and the mastermind behind Mohibullah's murder. He also confessed to his involvement in the seven murders and an attack on an intelligence officer. The arrested individuals have been handed over to the Ukhiya police station.