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Bangladesh Published At: 13 Oct 2023, 21:29 p.m.

Dr Amit Chakrabarty: Saima Wazed best choice for WHO SEARO post

File image of Saima Wazed. Photo: Collected

Saima's global recognition was overdue. Concerns about her nomination are biased.

With a glowing endorsement over the nomination of Saima Wazed for WHO’s SEARO director and calling her the best fit for the rank, Dr Amit Chakrabarty, the president-elect of the American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin, ruled out a wave of clamour raised centring the nomination calling it disinformation, lack of substance and suffers from bias.

“It is quite clear that some sort of concerns raised by a section over her nomination clearly lacks substance, suffers from bias and should be rejected outright” added the renowned physician in a testimonial for Saima.

Moreover, Amit, who is chairman of Poplar Bluff Urology, also observed that “she is the best choice for the top WHO position in SEA region while her tenure, if elected, would surely help WHO transform more lives and help augment the exemplary humanitarian service that WHO has been performing over the years across the world”.

Likening these campaigns over the nomination to disinformation, he pointed out that the Imposition of some criteria seems imaginary which makes the campaign ring hollow.

Stressing the need for addressing challenges of mental health, he added: “In the wake of the pandemic, addressing mental health issues marked a steady rise with an estimated 300 million individuals globally have a neurodevelopment disorder, surely a menace that she put on the spotlight.”

“It is understandable her relentless work in the field of public and mental health, which had long been ignored on global platforms, clearly opened up a new path before a number of nations including the Southeast Asian nations, much to the relief to those who were suffering from this menace”, added Amit, who also heads ApShiNi an Non-Profit organization for international philanthropic activities and community service.

 “A heap of glowing endorsement to her work, as already testified by WHO and other such bodies, stands as a strong pointer and serves justification on the part of the youngest nation in South Asia to endorse her nomination for the post”, he added.

Drawing a comparison with her contender Dr Shambhu Acharya who he found to hold “little expertise on working at such massive scale in grassroots”, the top physician added: “In light with Saima Wazed’s work in public health for her country, her victory in the election, would clearly add fresh impetus for the whole region, as she has become a global voice already”.

Another key feature the physician pointed out was the tumultuous path that descended on the life of Saima Wazed following the assassination of her grandfather which led her to traverse a number of countries yet she rose to contribute to the lives of people suffering from neurodevelopmental diseases.

“Another human aspect in her rise to current stature surely sets her apart as she, after the assassination of her grandfather, had to change countries as insurmountable odds descended on their lives.

“Not to be outdone by such trouble, she rather demonstrated a steely resolve turning herself into the voice of the voiceless. Any WHO official symbolizing such a scale of courage and tenacity with aforementioned acumen surely stands as the best fit to represent that global heath body”.

“Moreover, given in the Southeast Asian nation, promoting universal health coverage – health for all - and building robust health systems remained a key area of priority for WHO, the example of Bangladesh is also encouraging considering the country’s shining performance than neighbours on all possible indicators offering a lesson for the region and WHO also.”

In light of Saima Wazed’s work in public health for her country, her victory in the election would clearly give a new facelift for the whole region, as she has become a global voice already, acknowledged by WHO, unlike her contender who had little expertise on working at such massive scale in grassroots.

Acknowledged by WHO, unlike her contender who had “And there is no denying the Southeast Asian region clearly lacks adequate expertise in dealing with the crisis. So surely if elected, her voice, expertise would set her apart and could surely add a new thrust for the WHO also in helping these nations ride out the fallout of the pandemic”.

"I contend she is the best choice for the top WHO position in SEA region while her tenure, if elected, would surely help WHO transform more lives and help augment the exemplary humanitarian service that WHO has been performing over the years across the world."

Earlier, Saima Wazed wrote: "While I accept it is inevitable that there will be greater scrutiny of me due to my mother's position, what is unfortunate is the erasure of my years of work, study and accomplishments,"

It is worth mentioning that several former WHO officials from member states have already expressed their support for Saima Wazed's nomination for the post.

Source: UNB