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Bangladesh Published At: 03 Jul 2024, 18:40 p.m.

DU employees demand Finance Minister's resignation over Prottoy scheme remark

DU employees stage a sit-in in front of the university's registrar building on Wednesday morning, July 3, 2024.

Criticized Finance Ministry’s actions as 'myopic'

Demanding the withdrawal of the Universal Pension (Prottoy) Scheme, Dhaka University (DU) employees continued their protests for the third consecutive day on Wednesday, calling for the resignation of Finance Minister Abul Hasan Mahmud Ali.

DU employees staged a sit-in in front of the university's registrar building on Wednesday morning.

Criticizing the Finance Ministry’s actions as "myopic," they stated that the Prottoy scheme is discriminatory.

They argued that it was a deliberate plot to make their lives miserable and tarnish the government's image.

Chief Engineer Akram Hossain said: "A mischievous faction within the government has forced us to take to the streets. The government needs to scrutinize this closely. What will our next generation do if we accept this discriminatory scheme?

“While we congratulate the government for introducing a universal pension, the discriminatory scheme for government officials and employees should be withdrawn," he added.

Abdul Mottalib, convener of the DU Employees Unity Council and president of the Inter-University Officers' Association said: "No one has the right to snatch away the rights granted by the Father of the Nation. He gave us autonomy. The DU, which has played a leading role in all democratic movements of the country, never bowed its head.

“If our demands are not met, we will intensify the movement. If necessary, we will block the way for secretaries to pass through DU. Dear students, we are fighting for you too. Join us, because in the future you will be here too," he added.

Deputy Registrar Manzur Hossain said: "The movement of DU has never failed. Respected colleagues, we hope that our movement will be successful. Those who introduced such discriminatory schemes and now want to impose the quota issue fixed by the prime minister should be prosecuted."

Regarding the loss incurred by DU due to the strike of the officials and employees, Manzur Hossain said: "We will compensate for the loss caused by the work stoppage by working extra hours."

To discuss the demands, Awami League General Secretary and Minister of Road Transport and Bridges, Obaidul Quader, will meet with the teachers on Thursday.